Additional information concerning polyclonal antibodies

The price for production of rabbit polyclonal sera includes:
  • 2 - 3 mls of pre-immune sera
  • Preliminary samples (2-5mls/rabbit) after second immunisation (6-7 weeks after first immunisation) - standard mail delivery.
  • Immune sera (60-80mls/rabbit) - courier service delivery on blue ice (3 months after beginning of immunisation).
  • Basic testing for level of specific Ig in the sera if you will supply us with extra antigen (dot-blot or western blotting).
  • It is up to you to decide to keep some of the rabbits for two more injection of antigen to get more sera. In this case we send about 10 mls of sera after each injection plus additional 60-80 if the rabbit is terminated. This additional service costs
  • 40 GBP per rabbit and one extra injection.
  • You must also provide us with sufficient amount and quality of antigen to keep the titre of specific Ig high as we do immunisation each month to get additional sera.

  • The price for production of guinea pig polyclonal sera includes:
  • Preliminary samples after second immunisation (6-7 weeks after first immunisation) - standard mail delivery.
  • Immune sera (20-25 mls/guinea pig) - courier service delivery on blue ice (3 months after beginning of immunisation).

  • The price for production of rat polyclonal sera includes:
  • Immune sera (10-15 mls/rat) - courier service delivery on blue ice (3 months after beginning of immunisation).
  • The price for production of sheep polyclonal sera includes:
  • 10mls of pre-immune sera
  • Preliminary samples after second immunisation (6-7 weeks after first immunisation) - standard mail delivery.
  • Immune sera (300 mls/sheep) - courier service delivery on blue ice (4 months after beginning of immunisation).

  • See the necessary amounts of antigen or the peptide synthesis information for further reference

    The price includes packing and shipping costs. Does not include VAT, MWST, duty and similar taxes payable to the customers country authorities. In the case you have a VAT and/or duty exempt (or anything similar) please provide us a valid form to be included into shipment documentation.The prices in Euro are dependent fom current exchange rates (approximately GBP*1,6)

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